
The Future of Finance: The LSE Report

ByAdair Turner, Andrew Haldane, Andrew Large, Andrew Smithers, Charles Goodhart, John Kay, Martin Wolf, Paul Woolley, Peter Boone, Richard Layard, Simon Johnson, Sushil Wadhwani

We invited eighteen leading British thinkers on the reform of the world financial system and what a financial system is for to form a Future of Finance Group. They included journalists, academics, financiers and officials from the Financial Services Authority, the Bank of England and the Treasury. The result is this book.

Safe as Houses? A Historical Analysis of Property Prices

ByNeil Monnery

This book looks at house prices over the long term in several countries including the UK, the US, France, Holland, Norway, Germany and Australia to find out what has happened to house prices and why. The author illustrates his findings with authoritative data on trends and provides intriguing details including a century long index of UK house prices, an analysis of the value of the White House and a fascinating four-hundred-year story of houses in Amsterdam.

What’s the Use of Economics? Teaching the Dismal Science after the Crisis

ByDiane Coyle (ed.)

The gap between important real-word problems and the workhorse mathematical model-based economics being taught to students has become a chasm. This book examines what economists need to bring to their jobs, and the way in which economics education in universities could be improved to fit them better for the real world.

The Climate Majority Project: Setting the Stage for a Mainstream, Urgent Climate Movement

ByLiam Kavanagh, Rosie Bell, Rupert Read

If climate action remains marginal at this late hour, it will fail. In dismay at the inaction of governments, citizen groups are showing how people can use their real power and authentic voice to drive change. In the workplace, in politics and in local communities, people are stepping forward both to demand transformation and to make it happen.

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