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Towards a Humane Refugee Policy for the European Union

Gesine Schwan
Marisa Zobel

Towards a Humane Refugee Policy for the European Union outlines a clear and detailed proposal on how to engage municipalities and civil society initiatives in the relocation and reception of migrants and asylum seekers.

 £19.99 9781913019914 Add to cart

Towards a Humane Refugee Policy for the European Union outlines a clear and detailed proposal on how to engage municipalities and civil society initiatives in the relocation and reception of migrants and asylum seekers.

The proposals that the book contains do not represent a panacea for the EU’s migration and refugee policy: migration is too complex a phenomenon for that, and it needs to be tackled at many levels. However, the ideas and tools that the book illustrates will undoubtedly benefit both the communities hosting newcomers and the newcomers themselves.

Praise for Towards a Humane Refugee Policy for the European Union

“This powerful and thought-provoking book uses deep insight and compelling arguments to challenge the EU over its failures in regard to its refugee policies. Gesine Schwan’s vision for a more compassionate and humane approach is a must-read for anyone interested in shaping a fairer world. The book’s concrete proposals, especially those related to working with municipalities, are more topical now than ever before.”

Katarina Barley, vice-president of the European Parliament

“In this timely book, Gesine Schwan makes a compelling argument to support her proposals for a new EU refugee policy. Her innovative approach sees municipal authorities playing the leading role and it provides solutions that prioritise human rights and the fair distribution of responsibilities. A must-read for policymakers and for advocates of a better Europe.”

Jens Geier, member of the European Parliament, Germany

“Gesine Schwan’s book argues strongly and convincingly that European asylum policy need not be cynical about the thousands of people who lose their lives on their way to Europe and can instead be shaped in a way that is both humane and in everyone’s interests.”

Dr Naika Foroutan, professor of Integration Studies and Social Policy at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and director of the German Center for Integration and Migration (DeZIM)

Gesine Schwan is the president of the Berlin Governance Platform (formerly the HUMBOLDT-VIADRINA Governance Platform), a former professor of political sciences at the Free University of Berlin, and the chair of the SPD Commission for Basic Values.