Partner with LPP
The word ‘Partnership’ in our company name stems from the fact that when we started the company in 2010, we intended to work only in partnership with think tanks, research institutes, universities and the like, offering publishing services, with the resulting books being published under their own imprints. While we ended up diversifying into publishing under our own imprint very soon after this, the partnership side of our business is still substantial. Some projects are one-offs; others are long-term relationships. Some key current partnerships are those with the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) in Brussels, the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA) in London, and St Mary’s University Press (SMUP) in London.
For our institutional clients we offer solutions to publishing problems by bringing specialist skills to bear on each stage of the book-publishing process. We can either provide advice on a consultancy basis or engage directly, with most or all of the publishing process being outsourced to us. This gives our clients professional publishing expertise as well as greater control of their costs, as they only pay for the work and time we spend on particular projects.
Before a penny is spent on producing a book we can advise on the best way to bring the project to market. Some of the many issues to consider are:
- What is the aim of the book and who is it for?
- When should it be published for best effect?
- How should the point of the book be framed to make it obvious and appealing?
- Does the title match the aims of the book and the market?
- Are the introduction and conclusions clear (and do they match)?
- Should the book be presented as authored or edited?
- What format should it be in to suit the target market and to be cost-effective?
- How will you reach international markets?
- What copyright and permissions issues might there be?
- How should the book be priced?
Some terrifically important works can be completely overlooked by the market because of inappropriate formatting, poor framing or even just a bad title. Time spent thinking about these issues and avoiding common pitfalls is always worthwhile.
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